Faculty List B.Ed- 2015-17 | |||||||||||||||
Sl. No. | Name of the Staff | Father's Name | Address | Category (Gen/SC/ST/OBC/Others) | Contact No. / Mobile No. | Qualification | Percentage | Experience | Date of Joining | Date of Resing | Reasons of Resignation of the staff | Bank A/c No. | Details of salary | Appointment against whom | Remarks if any, |
1 | Dr Narendra Pandey | Shri Shyam Narayan Pandey | 67 S.R.D.Road Patharchapti Pahar, Mahupur,Deoghar,Jharkhand,815353 | Oth | 9771198930 | Ph.D in education | "A" | 8 yrs 6 months | 28/03/2015 | 122002029561 | 54,660/- | ||||
2 | Ranjini Ghosh | Ratan Kumar Ghosh | 1Bhagirati lane, Serampore,Hoogly,712202 | Oth | 9432437795 | M.Ed. In Education | 73 | 31/03/2015 | 29/02/2016 | Personal & Health Problem | 24,990/- | ||||
3 | Prakash Paul | Kamal Paul | Vill+P.O.-Alaipur,P.S.-Chakdaha,Dist-Nadia,741245 | OBC-B | 9647770083 | M.A. in Education | 63.25 | 31/03/2015 | 122001513102 | 24,990/- | |||||
4 | Indrani Bhukta | Ajit Kumar Bhukta | Vill+P.O.-Khanyan(Roy Para),P.S.-Pandua,Dist-Hoogly,712157 | Oth | 7501329851 | M.A. in Education | 68.25 | 31/03/2016 | 122001513204 | 24,990/- | |||||
5 | Sampa Das Sharma | Sakti Das | G-53A, Baghajatin,P.O.-Baghajatin,Kolkata,700086 | Oth | 9804136803 | M.A. in Education | 64.13 | 31/03/2017 | 122001516726 | 24,990/- | |||||
6 | Nabanita Bhattacharya | Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya | Vill-Charmajdia,P.O.-Charbrahmanagar,P.S.-Nabadwip,Dist-Nadia,741301 | Oth | 9593491625 | M.Ed. In Bengali | 67.9 | 30/03/2015 | 29/02/2016 | Personal & Health Problem | 24,990/- | ||||
7 | Rabindra kumar Mishra | Surendra Mishra | Vill-Radhakrishnapur,P.O.-Kanheibindha via-Betada,Dist-Balasore,756168 | Oth | 9934382124 | M.Ed. In English | 74.71 | 30/03/2015 | 122002147531 | 24,990/- | |||||
8 | Ashis Khan | kalipada Khan | Vill-Jashar,P.O.-Sreebora,P.S.-Kolaghat,Dist-purba Mednipur,721130 | Oth | 7278800959 | M.Ed. In Snaskrit | 76.5 | 30/03/2015 | 29/11/2016 | Unavoidable Circumstances | 24,990/- | ||||
9 | Samiul Biswas | Rejaul Biswas | Vill+P.O.-Jhowbona,P.S.-Nowda,Dist-Murshidabad,742175 | Oth | 9733744023 | M.Ed. In Mathematics | 70.75 | 30/03/2015 | 122001513180 | 24,990/- | |||||
10 | Abdur Rob | Md.Keyamat Sk | Vill-Hikampara,P.O.-Muktinagar,P.S.-Berhampore,Dist-Mursidabad,742102 | OBC-A | 9647058285 | M.Ed. In History | 68.75 | 31/03/2015 | 122001923345 | 24,990/- | |||||
11 | Sujit Sarkar | Suresh Sarkar | Vill-Ramkrishna pally,P.O.+P.S.-karimpur,Dist-Nadia,741152 | Oth | 8145160249 | M.Ed. In Geography | 75.12 | 31/03/2015 | 122001513191 | 24,990/- | |||||
12 | Delwara Khatun | Nazrul Islam Mondal | Vill-Junara,P.O.-Bagher,P.S.+Dist-Burdwan,713141 | Oth | 9093971034 | M.Ed. In Political Science | 66.37 | 31/03/2015 | 122001923673 | 24,990/- | |||||
13 | Swastika Dhar | Biswanath Dhar | 19/N/76 A.C. Road,P.O.-Khagra,P.S.-Berhampore,Disti-Murshidabad,742103 | Oth | 9563809740 | M.Ed. In Physical Science | 69.1 | 31/03/2015 | 122001513135 | 24,990/- | |||||
14 | Soumyakanta Bhattacharyya | Arun Kumar Bhattarcharyya | 146,Elias road Agarpara,kolkata-56 | Oth | 9903196131 | M.Ed. In Life Science | 73.87 | 30/03/2015 | 29/02/2016 | Personal & Health Problem | 24,990/- | ||||
15 | Anup Kumar Das | Jagatpati Das | Vill+P.O.-Chandpara,P.S.-Margram,Dist-Bhirbhum,731241 | Oth | 8296050280 | M.Ed. In Work Education | 69.62 | 31/03/2015 | 122001513168 | 24,990/- | |||||
16 | Hasim Abdul Halim | Amirul Islam | Vill+P.O.-Swarppur,P.S.-Hariharpara,Dist-Murshidabad,742166 | OBC-A | 9732817479 | M.P.Ed. | 68.5 | 31/03/2015 | 12003323426 | 24,990/- | |||||
17 | Barnali karmakar | Bimal Karmakar | Vill+P.O.-Goaljan,P.S.-Berhampore,Dist-Murshidabad,741301 | Oth | 9474608631 | MFA | 74 | 30/03/2015 | 122001513237 | 24,990/- | |||||
18 | Ms. Kabita Ray | Mr. Ranjit Kumar Ray | 108/A.C. Road (South), P.O.-Khagra,P.S.-Berhampore,Dist-Murshidabad,742103 | Oth | 9434840451 | M.Music | 66 | 30/03/2015 | 122003323448 | 24,990/- | |||||
19 | Biswajit Pal | Poritosh Pal | Vill+P.O.-Jitpur(Bagghpara),P.S.-Domkal,Dist-Murshidabad,742121 | Oth | 9832889008 | M.L.I.sc. | 68.75 | 31/03/2015 | 122001512857 | 24,990/- |